Prayer is Invading the Impossible
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Pastor Jack looks at each part of the Lord’s Prayer as a means of showing us what we are to approach God for and how we are to do it.  All prayer should:  a) Give appropriate praise to the Father, b) Invite His will to be done on earth, c) Brings to God the daily details of our life, d) Deal with our need for forgiveness, e) Lead us to maintain relationships by forgiving others and f) Set our will to mature. Based on this, how can the Lord’s prayer shape and influence your call to shepherd Leadership over people at New Hope Town? *
Pastor Jack makes this strong statement (please complete it):  “The God we worship is the Lord of creation and His power knows no limits except those He imposes on Himself. Here is one of them: He waits to work His will on earth in answer to ___________". *
T or F: Jack Hayford said in Prayer is invading the impossible - “Probably nothing hinders an attitude of expectancy in prayer more than the supposition that all effective prayer has to take a long time." *
“The ______________ - those who have received God’s gift of life in Jesus - are the main channel of His dealing in grace and goodness on this planet.”, Jack Hayford, Prayer is invading the impossible. *
What changes do you intend to make in your prayer life as a result of these messages? *
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